Take a word, any word, and just start using it in different ways. Each new instance expands our sense of the word.
Here’s Analogy as Core (talk)‘s example of shadow: a shadow from the sun…then a snow shadow…then a rain shadow…a familial shadow…in the shadow of a big event…the gulf stream. Suddenly instead of a tree casting a shadow on the ground, it’s England casting a shadow on the northern parts of Scandinavia.
This is a bigger concept than first meets the eye. It’s a sneaky rhetorical device that’s used all the time. Be careful not to overuse it yourself. A good example of being caught up in your own overuse is someone’s insistence on force-fitting the term “Barbell Method” to describe reading something once lightly, and a second time more deeply. It stretches the definition so much as to befuddle.
Some links and content in this note have been removed.
Because this is a vertical slice of my actual PKM system, I can’t include everything in this vault and left out some notes and material for ease of navigation and understanding the concepts (rather than getting lost in the knowledge) as well as for privacy.
Plus, it’s okay to have some unlinked notes in your own vault. They won’t all be built out at once.
Rhetoric - Redefinition Strategy - If by old, you mean XYZ -Reagan Concept Expansion can be used as a nice rhetorical trick
Politics - Co-opt what Freedom means - concept expansion
”Repeated analogies expand concepts” - Analogy as Core (talk)quote