Many of the words we use today are actually allusions to historical figures and Greek Gods. Here are just a few examples:


Like other uses of simile, this example functions to help readers visualize the situation.

  • Achilles’ heel – a weakness a person may have. Achilles was invulnerable, except for his heel (achilles tendon).
  • Adonis – a handsome younger man; Aphrodite loved him.
  • Apollo – a physically perfect male; the God of music and light, Apollo was known for his physical beauty.
  • Cassandra – a person who continually predicts misfortune, but often is not believed.
  • Erotic – of or having to do with sexual passion or love. Eros was the Greek god of love.
  • Harpy – a predatory person or nagging woman. Comes from “harpy,” a foul creature that was part woman, part bird.
  • Helen – symbol of a beautiful woman; from Helen of Troy.
  • Morphine – an alkaloid used to relieve pain and induce sleep. Morpheus was a god that could easily change shape.
  • Muse – a creature of inspiration. The daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, and divine singers that presided over thought in all its forms.
  • Narcissism – being in love with one’s own self-image. Named for Narcissus, a handsome young man who despised love, but fell in love with himself instead.
  • Odyssey – a long journey. Named for Odysseus, a character in The Odyssey, by Homer. Odysseus makes his long journey back from the Trojan War.
  • Pandora’s Box – Something that opens the door for bad occurrences, opened by someone known for curiosity. Named for Pandora, who opened a box of human ills.
  • Phoenix – a symbol of immortality or rebirth. Named after a long bird that consumed itself in fire, then rose renewed from the flame to start another long life.
  • Psyche – the human soul, self, the mind. Named after Psyche, a maiden who, after undergoing many hardships, reunited with her love.
  • Pygmalion – someone who tries to fashion someone into the person he desires. Comes from a myth adapted into a play by George Bernard Shaw.
  • Sibyl – a witch or sorceress; a priestess who had the gift of prophecy.
  • Tantalize – from King Tantalus, who reigned on Mt. Sipylus, and who was condemned to a river but couldn’t eat the beautiful food around him.
  • Titanic – grand and enormous. Named after Tityus, the son of Zeus and Elara, whose body covered nearly two acres.
  • Volcanoes – originated from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.