On your journey to happiness, you come to a fork in the road where upon two identical twin trolls with hooked noses and big, thick sausage fingers are lounging on five feet tall tree stumps eating rabbit.

You’ve heard of this place—and these trolls. One fork on the road leads to Happiness: where all your friends and family are waiting to throw you a party and play your favorite music and dance around the fire laughing.

The other path leads to Sadness: where everyone you know is hunched over with frowny faces and nothing to eat but tree bark and slugs.

You don’t know which path is which. But you know the legend:

One twin troll only tells lies. The other twin troll only tells the truth. And you don’t know which twin troll is which!

Even worse…to figure out which path leads to Happiness, You can only ask one of the trolls, one question.

(After that, they’ll just ignore you and eat more rabbit.)

What is the one question you can ask (just one of the trolls) to make sure you choose the road that leads to Happiness?

This version has been re-written by Nick, but of course the riddle itself remains intact.