Why do you care about digital notes? What are you actually trying to do?

That is not easy to answer. And that’s okay! But it’s worth thinking about. For me, it’s:

  • So I don’t forget things
  • So I can make sense of my experiences
  • So I can reference my past thoughts as I write new thoughts
  • So I can connect ideas across domains
  • So I can develop those ideas across time
  • So I can create and share those ideas across the world—even if that’s just the world between my ears.

Speaking from experience, it matters how you set up your digital notes—your PKM system—so that will grow and evolve with you, not just for this month, not for the year, but throughout your entire life.

That’s a really powerful thing. Because if you can’t rely on your digital notes—you’re just one step away from digital dementia.

The goal of LYT is to enhance your experience of working with your PKM system. It provides flexibility, longevity, and a bevy of other benefits.

If have received any value out of this or would like learn more, please reach out:

Stay connected,
