## How to Customize your own Ideaverse.
This is the “Map of Content” for this starter ideaverse. Here you can:
- Learn about the Linking Your Thinking frameworks.
- Learn about how MOCs literally re-write the game.
- Create living notes in a process called note-making.
- Use MOCs to generate massive amounts of personal value.
- Build your Home note so you can effectively scale your PKM.
- Use the ACE Folder Framework to manage a lifetime of ideas.
- Learn about how to use “efforts” instead of projects.
Let’s get started…
## How "Linking Your Thinking" works
Linking Your Thinking has changed the game. Learn the basics below:
## How to make notes (not just take them)
Learn how note-making is different from note-taking, and how it generates your best insights.
## How to use Maps of Content (MOCs)
MOCs help you do three things: gather, develop, and navigate your ideas.
- The 3 Phases of MOCs
- Habits MOC - Gather
- Habits MOC - Collide
- Habits Map - Navigate
- The 3 Phases of MOCs, a coda
Basically, MOCs are simple, yet new and profoundly powerful. When they “click” for you, wow, you’ll feel your mind supercharged new ability for massive ideation.
## How to build your Home note
If you want a healthy and complete network of knowledge, you will want a home note.
## How to customize your ACE headspace
In just 3 folders, you can have a folder structure you use for the rest of your life.
- Learn about the ACE Folder Framework.
## How to Use "Efforts" instead of "Projects"
Why do “projects” feel so wrong when working with ideas? Why does a term like “efforts” feel more truthful? Let’s explore the differences and what it might mean for your efforts.
- The big differences between efforts and projects
- How ideas and efforts play nicely together
- Why Efforts are Liberating
- When you’re ready, start framing your own Efforts.
Extra gifts
## Explore how ideas become evergreen
Note-makers create living notes that are able to grow in value and evolve over time. Some people call these kinds of notes “evergreen”.
## Learn more about linked notes
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