It’s hard to switch contexts. It’s also hard to know when you should. ACE helps with that.

When I’m frolicking in the forest of new information, it’s my own enthusiasm that propels my learning.

Question: Where do you think I am spending my time then?
Answer: In the Atlas—where I’m note-making and sensemaking on things that may not be urgent, but still feel important.

However, there are long stretches of time where my frolic becomes a more of a march. I need to make progress on things that have a clear direction with tangible outcomes.

Question: Where do you think I spend my time then?
Answer: In Efforts—where I’m executing on things that are important and urgent.

And there are times where I’m quickly taking meeting notes, or logging things I care about, or planning the month and I find myself spending time in daily, weekly, and monthly notes; freewriting, compiling, planning, and consolidating.

Question: Where do you think I spend my time then?
Answer: In Calendar—where I’m working with Past Me, Present Me, & Future Me.

These context switches can happen in the moment, hourly, daily, weekly, and so on.

ACE honors Knowledge, Time, and Action equally—and naturally nudges you to remember to give any neglected headspace some attention.