The following is an example of me considering the habitual cues in my life that I wanted to control in March of 2013.


Mini Workout

  • Cues: Not thinking, just getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.
  • Routine: Proprioception Balance: 30 secs both sides
    • Joint Warm-up: Ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, neck [Alt: Walk 5-10 min]
    • 25 Bird Dog/Fire Hydrants / 25 Retraction Pushups / 25 Abs: Plank Spiders
    • 25 Bodyweight Squats/Lunges / Headstand 1 min
    • Visualize a great day with good standing posture
  • Reward: Early morning feeling of accomplishment, self-control, and endorphins.


  • Cues: Finishing good standing posture visualization
  • Routine: Prepare Greek Yogurt, Almonds, Cinnamon / Have vitamins, stimulant
  • Reward: Satiation of hunger. Healthy and smart start.

Ask ?s: Day Orientation, Goals, and Journal

  • Cues: Bring food to my room. Full body stretch before sitting down = Ask ?s
  • Routine: Open up a New Note in Evernote / Start asking questions and answering them. Talk out loud for some of it.
  • Reward: Clarity, a sense of purpose, and the alignment of priorities and energy.


Biz: Reflect and Plan with Team

  • Cues: Approaching 5pm or the end of the main work day.
  • Routine: Recap what I’ve accomplished today. What I didn’t. What the next steps are. / Connect with the team and go over the day. / Plan the next day.
  • Reward: Clarity, a sense of purpose, and the alignment of priorities and energy.


  • Cues: Emotional sense of finishing the work day. Put on workout clothes. Time is around 5pm. Sometimes with others.
  • Routine: Lucia Stance 2-5 min
  • Reward: Feeling of self-control, confidence, endorphins, and a vibrant and healthy body; and renewed energy for the rest of the day.


Lucia Stance

  • Cue: Emotional sense of finishing the day. By myself. Night.
  • Routine: Lucia Stance 2-5 min
  • Reward: Sense of Control and willpower.

Reflect and Plan

  • Cues: Finishing the Lucia.
  • Routine: Reflect: Winning Moments / Journal, Muse / Chart next day / Ask ?‘s
  • Reward: Accomplishment, growth, a sense of cementing memories.

Stretch & Yoga Stretch

  • Cues: Finishing planning next day. Standing up.
  • Routine: quick full body / shoulder stand, cradle, wheel barrow, sitting stretch, headstand
  • Reward: Satiation of hunger. Healthy and smart start.

PMR & light Visualization

  • Cues: Finishing headstand. Lay down in Savasana.
  • Routine: PMR the body for 5 min / lightly visualize the next day / record any floating or lingering thoughts.
  • Reward: A sense of preparation and confidence.