I am an unrelenting evolutionary adaptation—whether you like it or not!

Understanding Habits

Designing Habits

Example of Habit Design

Important Habits

Being able to adapt is an important habit Important habits preserve mental clarity and a sense of control Preparing for the next day is an important habit Writing down daily goals in the morning is an important habit Journaling in the morning is an important habit

Feedback Loop, Like begets like Cobwebs into Cables, Reps, Sense of Control Natural Selection, Selfish Gene, Survival of the Fittest Flywheel Effect,

Other Miscellaneous

Finish the walkthrough: The 3 Phases of MOCs, a coda

LYT Vision

Activate “LYT Vision” to resurface thoughts in context. When you twirl this open, it’s like you are putting on night vision goggles: you see things hidden in the shadows.

The main contextual queries I prefer are “unrequited” & “unmentioned” notes.

Unrequited notes

These notes point directly to this note. But this note doesn’t point back (yet). This is the strongest contextual query.