I am an unrelenting evolutionary adaptation—whether you like it or not!
Navigate with your new Map of Content (MOC)
Connect your new Map of Content (MOC) with the the rest of your network of knowledge so you can navigate your notes near the speed of thought.
Enjoy the spatial constellation you created. Your MOCs will be meaningful to you.
Understanding Habits
- Defining a habit
- Habit formation provides an evolutionary advantage
- Habits carry a ton of hidden inertia
- The neural formation of habits is additive
Use your MOCs for different purposes
- as a reference point in the future
- for final products (content creation)
- for the inherent joy the ideas provide
As you finish work on an area of interest, your MOC remains as a renewable summation of thought for Future You. An MOC is your easy access point back into the topic—whether that’s tomorrow or in ten years.
Designing Habits
- Understanding the habit cycle and habitual cues
- Small Wins foster a Sense of Control
- An asymptotic curve models the development of skills, strength, habits, and more
MOCs can easily continue to evolve over time
Around this callout is an assembly of the notes in some sort of formalized structure.
I have continued adding to this whenever it made sense.
Example of Habit Design
Important Habits
Being able to adapt is an important habit Important habits preserve mental clarity and a sense of control Preparing for the next day is an important habit Writing down daily goals in the morning is an important habit Journaling in the morning is an important habit
Related Concepts
Feedback Loop, Like begets like Cobwebs into Cables, Reps, Sense of Control Natural Selection, Selfish Gene, Survival of the Fittest Flywheel Effect,
Other Miscellaneous
Finish the walkthrough: The 3 Phases of MOCs, a coda
LYT Vision
Activate “LYT Vision” to resurface thoughts in context. When you twirl this open, it’s like you are putting on night vision goggles: you see things hidden in the shadows.
The main contextual queries I prefer are “unrequited” & “unmentioned” notes.
Unrequited notes
These notes point directly to this note. But this note doesn’t point back (yet). This is the strongest contextual query.