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Do you ever wish you could save a search? You can. Saved searches are called “queries”.

Data view notes are notes with specific sets of queries using the Dataview community plugin. Such as Add. As you can see, Data view notes give you viewports to filter, review, and analyze the information you are accreting.

On your idea spaceship, data views are your various viewports.

Armed with a few data views, you can make confident decisions because you know you are getting accurate information.

What’s the difference between MOCs and Data views

While MOCs (defn) are for active, generative thinking, the value of data views come from how they passively provide you with updated views of information.

You can analyze or act on that information; but information is worthless without putting meaningful context around it.

  • Use MOCs to generate insights
  • Use data views to analyze information

Using a series of queries to build data views is an advanced action. But many people want to learn because—in sage hands—queries are crazy-powerful.

Related: MOCs (defn)