ACE - A framework based on three foundational head spaces: Atlas, Calendar, Efforts
ARC - A framework based on the natural flow of ideas (Add, Relate, Communicate) to reclaim and master the core of your creative process. (A core framework in the LYT Workshop).
LYT Terms
Mental Squeeze Point - The point in any endeavor where the amount of information begins to overwhelm you. Either you overcome the squeeze point, or your project gets stuck.
MOC (Map of Content), pronounced (EM-OH-SEE) - A note that mainly has links to other notes, thus “mapping” the contents of multiple notes in your digital library. Informally, called “maps”.
Home note - Your Home note is your north star, navigating you to your MOCs. It keeps the entire system organized.
MOCs help you gather, develop, and navigate your ideas.
Idea Emergence - The process of how the ideas you encounter go from the “nothingness” to the “somethingness”—and how those ideas grow in richness, complexity, and personally meaningful value over time.
Top-down Thinking - Starting with structure and a clear destination. e.g. A folder-based framework.
PRO: Keeps you on track. CON: Stifles emergent thinking.
Bottom-up Thinking - Starting with a various ideas and connecting them organically.
PRO: Allows for emergent thinking. CON: Can feel a little too chaotic at times.
Middle-out Thinking - Developing a fluid structure that creates simultaneous cycles of top-down and bottom-up thinking. e.g. LYT!
PRO: Encourages next level thinking. BUT: Requires learning the technique and being able to balance structure/chaos.
Fluid Frameworks - Any helpful framework, or structure, that helps but doesn’t hinder note retrieval and/or idea management. They are adaptable, fitting your evolving needs.
Refraction Thinking - Thinking about ONE thing, through the lens of ANOTHER thing.
Evergreen notes - Evergreen notes are focused on a single idea and written mostly in your own words. They naturally accrue more links over time.
Ideaverse - An ideaverse is the universe of ideas that exists between your brain and every place you think.
It consists of all the spaces you have in your life to find and develop ideas—whether you plan to share them with the world or just share them with your future self.
Most often, when someone says “my ideaverse” they are talking more specifically about their collection of digitally linked notes.
PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) - The process of individuals making, using, organizing, connecting, combining, collaborating, and creating with their personal notes.