Being able to think fluidly gives you the awareness and skill to think from the right level of abstraction at the right time.

Fluid Thinking is the ability to skillfully adjust your perspective— zooming in and out of the levels of emergence. This allows you to approach a problem from the inside and the outside…tacking back and forth with ease to generate new value and find novel solutions.

That opens up a lot a whole new ability to think fluidly and flexibly, and to accomplish a lot more in a lot less time, and have a lot more fun doing it.

  • Sometime you start from the bottom-up: Note » MOC » Home
  • Sometime you start from the top-down: Home » MOC » Note
  • Sometimes you start from the middle-out: MOC » Note & MOC » Home

Let’s use all three. That’s the goal. The goal is Fluid Thinking.

PS: My MO is MO.

Next: Note-making is about the pursuit of truth