Where our attention goes, is where our meaning grows.
So if we spend our time making notes, we are naturally trying to make sense of things. When we forge evergreen notes and make MOCs, we are forced to ask meaningful questions:
“What is the idea here?” … “What is meaningful here?” … Is this two ideas or one?” … “Why is this important?” … “What does this mean to me?” … “What relates to this?”
Sometimes we are intentional about finding meaning. Cue the angsty existential walk in nature, where we implore the nearby squirrels, “What is the meaning of life?!” This is top-down thinking.
Sometimes meaning bubbles up from just living and doing. This is bottom-up thinking.
Despite our best efforts, meaning hits us from all directions. So, to grapple with this fluid pursuit of truth, we need to be able to think just as fluidly. Fluid Thinking.