The first non-linear phase of MOCs is where you assemble, collect, gather, curate, incubate your ideas. This is where you put related stuff on a new digital workbench.
Imagine having a warehouse of limitless workbenches, and for each workbench you curate the notes placed on it. Whenever you feel you need to get a handle on a bunch of notes on Subject XYZ
, just throw them all onto a new workbench—i.e. place their links into a new MOC note titled Subject XYZ MOC
. Now it’s easier to begin.
For our walkthrough, I decided to compile old notes I collected on the topic of habits:
2013-03-10 Habit Planning 2015-02-20 Habit Formation Research Article 2015-02-20 Habit Concepts and Theory Atomic Habits (book) 2019-01-25 Resiliency Routines
I have only “gathered” the links. They are not organized yet. That happens in the next phase:
Next: Habits MOC - Collide