LYT stands for “Linking Your Thinking”.

The LYT framework super-charges your digital library by giving you the ability to use fluid frameworks—like MOCs and a Home note—to enhance your ability to find things, create things, and develop ideas over time.

Why LYT?

Equipping your library with special notes like a Home note and “Maps of Content” enhances your working experience.

It is robust, flexible, and able to match your changing needs—which are undoubtably unique to you—both today and deep into your future.

What is the LYT Framework

LYT provides a framework for your notes. You can find them. You can work with them. And this framework encourages them to grow more valuable over time.

  1. The Home note - The Home note can act as your home base to ground you, and as a launching pad into your note library.
  2. Maps of Content (MOCs) - These are like having curated worktables with all your relevant index cards placed on them. MOCs will help you overcome the overwhelming anxiety that can arise from having notes scattered everywhere. More on this later.
  3. Other Fluid Frameworks - Adding structure to your notes has gotten a bad rap lately. But if you know how to keep your frameworks fluid, you’ll get the best of both worlds: order and chaos; excellent note retrieval and the serendipity of discovery. More on this later.

The forest keeps winding…

You reach a particularly interesting fork in the overgrown trail. You can continue on the main path and read about the Benefits of LYT frameworks.

Or you can start mapping the forest’s unique landscape. Just go to: Set Up Your Home Note.

Or, you can climb the tallest Ent-like tree to get your bearings at a note called home.