Train to improve.
Performance Psychology
dates:: 2011 people:: Duncan R.D.Mascarenhas*Nickolas C.Smith† URL:: Link
Deliberate practice is defined as being effortful in nature, with the main goal of personal improvement of performance rather than enjoyment, and is often performed without immediate reward.
From: Performance Psychology, 2011
Sports and Creativity
dates:: 2011 people:: D. Memmert, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011 URL:: Link
Deliberate Practice
The term ‘deliberate practice’ refers to targeted and task-centered training programs based on instructions.
The Expert Performance Approach and Deliberate Practice
dates:: 2012 people:: K. Anders Ericsson, Jerad H. Moxley, in Handbook of Organizational Creativity, 2012 URL:: Link
Deliberate practice as we have described it can be thought of as something clearly different from most types of experience in the workplace and everyday life.