“Reps, Reps, Reps.”

Learning, improving, deliberate practice…the underpinning of it all—the unspoken current flowing through any progression—is getting reps, in all forms, consistently and frequently.

In practicing a craft, just show up, and get reps: tiny reps, technical reps, reps from questions, reps by observation, reps by research, reps, reps, consistent, persistent reps!

Repetitions strengthen neural pathways, which I think of in terms of Cobwebs into Cables.

When working on a specific craft, and when you’ve passed a threshold of basic competence, then it’s valuable to identify specific areas to work on and to drill them deliberately. This is called Deliberate Practice, a term coined by the “expert on experts” K. Anders Ericsson (kit).

Damian Lillard talks about how getting the reps gives him to confidence to be so clutch.