Note-making is a process for:

  1. idea creation and connection
  2. the strengthening of note retrieval
  3. the clever use of spaced repetition

Can I share with you the basic process?

A step-by-step note-making walkthrough

  • I pulled in this old note from my pre-Obsidian zettelkasten.
  • It’s rough and less useful than it could be.
  • I made a new note to work in, and eventually it became this:
  • Now I have an evergreen note.
  • Can you see why the second note is so much more valuable?
  • Because now I can return to this note and add more valuable to it over time.
  • That’s what I did. A few days later, I returned to that note and developed it further:
  • ”Wait a second!” You say. “Where did most of it go?”
  • That’s the beauty. Through the note-making process, I realized my note was actually trying to say multiple things.
  • And since I wanted to be able to link to each idea separately, I made them into separate notes. Here’s the other one:
  • But wait there’s more!
  • This process actually encouraged me to generate new ideas.
  • It also encouraged me to link these ideas to other ideas. (This is crazy powerful).
  • Suddenly, I couldn’t believe what I put together:
  • Those are powerful notes!
  • Creating one living note oftentimes spawns new insights for more living notes.
  • And that’s the power of making living notes in the process known as note-making.

Boom! That’s it.

Evergreen notes lead to MOCs

But that’s seriously just the beginning, because now I want to introduce you to the most revolutionary thinking tool in the “age of the linked note”!

What am I even talking about here?

I’m talking about Maps of Content—also known as MOCs.

You simple must go through the The 3 Phases of MOCs to learn more about how to enhance your note-making using MOCs.

Before you click that link though, let’s finish the big picture.

Do you see at the top of this note, how I have a link “up” to the Ideaverse Map? There is something powerful in linking your notes together. It allows you lightning fast navigation—especially back to your Home note. In this case, it’s simple:

That means I’ve created a star map where I can make hyperspace jumps between different levels of “Idea Emergence” in just a few clicks.

Pretty awesome in my opinion.

Next, learn about MOCs in The 3 Phases of MOCs.